Thursday, December 27, 2012

Branded X

I was watching the show Brand X the other night and they were in the midst of an interesting social experiment. One of the audience members stated he was on the way to South Beach a.k.a. Miami, for sex to put it bluntly and the Russel Brand volunteered a backstage area as a porn shoot. (I haven't lost you yet have I? Keep following, I'm going somewhere.) So the debate came to the rest of the audience if they wanted to watch this unexpected turn of events and one woman, mature in age, stated that even though she knows the amount of pornography produced in America and around the world, she's never confronted with it publicly even though she knows it happens and it is against her morals. Now here is where we get to the heart of the matter because Russel points out that we as a society know that immorality and injustice exists and is happening all around us but as long as we are never confronted with them personally, we continually go along with the status quo. Too often we shake our heads at crimes we hear on the news and other things but when more schools are closing, communities are failing, bullying is still rising, shelters are falling apart, racism, sexism, and the list goes on but we do not take a stand on these things. God never wants us to accept things as status quo; He wants us to do justice and judgment (Proverbs 21:3) . In a world where there seem to be me more priests and Levites and less good Samaritans, people are hurting and left on the side of the road because society has said its a sad situation but it is what is. God is calling us to something higher than to accept things as is; He put in us to be different and to change situations. The first step to greatness is to not turn a blind eye but rather, extend a warm hand to those who are suffering in a cold world (Luke 10:25-37).

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