Friday, October 19, 2012

What's Your Religion Kid?

Earlier today, and I mean literally earlier today (October 18, 2012), I got asked about my faith in Christ by someone is looking to start a new chapter in life and it honestly took me off guard.  Now, since I started this blog I have talked about God and Christ but in the context of destiny and achieving life goals.  But the biggest thing I believe God wants us to do in all that we do is to glorify Him and show that we are His and that He puts us in position to be successful.  And with that success, we should be able to give others hope that God, first of all is love, and that He wants to put us all into great lives.  But, that's just the beginning of it.  It has been said and it is worth repeating that Christ Jesus did not take up a cross just for us to have a "good life" which is whatever you think of when it comes to having a good life (mostly material things).  Christ gave us a more abundant life that rather we work for a fortune 500 company or we make ends meet, God will take care of us and will show us that He is with us if we trust in Him fully.  That being said, when people look at our lives they should know God is with us and when they come with questions we should have answers for them because God just doesn't give us blind faith, He gives us love, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and when people see those qualities being used it is a very attractive thing.  Therefore, we should be ready to answer if someone asks, "what's your religion kid?"  Because those days will come and when they do come it's our chance to glorify God even more (1 Peter 3:15). Remember what the cross is about: dying for our sins and the Resurrection so that not only we can go to God our Father without shame, but that we also do not have to fear death because God is with us.  So next time, don't be nervous to share all that God has done for you because it gives hope to everyone.

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