Thursday, June 30, 2011

You Are Appreciated

I watched Monday Night Raw this past Monday and saw a very stirring and emotional promo from one CM Punk at the end of the show which had twitter and wrestling sites buzzing all week. I watched his promo again today and my thoughts on it for today is that he is "shooting" to us that he does not feel appreciated by his bosses, peers, or his fans for his work that he does. Now here I go again with the things that make you go hmmm right? But honestly, how many of us feel that way in our daily lives. With the world going so much faster and our lives are far more busy than the generations before us, we have to make personal sacrifices for our family and friends, our churches and organizations, and our jobs but at times we can feel like with all the sacrifice and effort we put in, the thanks and pats on the back do not come as often as they should; I think it is in nature to be recognized for the work that we do, especially when we do it for others when we give ourselves so much. Here are two thoughts that we should keep in mind, 1. is that we should do things as if we are doing it for God and 2. is that we should be weary in well doing because we will be rewarded if we do not stop in doing those things. The key is not to quit because even if the people you want to appreciate you do not, others will, from afar and close to you. Remember you are appreciated and loved so keep going and you will be rewarded in the end.

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