Okay, call me lazy or call me devoted, but I like listening to the Bible on my computer (I love the Bible Experience, you all should get it), and got to Leviticus 19:19 talking about not mixing things together and of course brings us to why we're reading this. I found it interesting that God made this a commandment, I mean, I've seen some beautiful hybrid flowers and tasted some good fruits and veggies that were mixed together as seeds and of course I said, God did a great job at this...lol. But thinking on it, I understand why because different seeds have different seasons, I will say it again, different seeds have different seasons. A professional farmer or a good gardener knows that sometimes planting two seeds at one time will affect what grows i.e, chili plants will make fruit spicy, cucumbers will make watermelons taste like cucumbers, and so many other combinations. The gist of it is, if one thing is expected but has a different result then the work done for it has been in vain therefore no one can sell it and no one can taste it and that whole process has been wasted and now we are behind.
I know we like to multitask and combine this goal with that goal but there is a reason why oranges are oranges and apples are apples: they require their own attention to produce them and it is the same for our goals. I'm a writer and an actor and some other stuff too but I can't focus on trying to write a poem in the middle of the scene or quote Hamlet while I'm reciting a poem about how cute rabbits are, that would be awkward and out of place.
I looked up this site, http://www.pastorpauley.com/tzedekah/articles/Leviticus19_19.pdf, talking about the benefits of planting one seed at a time and a few highlights for having as he put it, heirloom seed is that (1) tastes better, (2) more consistent performance, (3) better nutrition, and (4) a continuous harvest. See what God is trying to bring us too: all the dreams and visions He put in us can happen if we are patient and do the necessary steps in the one season we are in now and not having to cram season three and season four into season one (it doesn't work with our dvr's so it certainly won't work with God's plan for us). Jesus even said that mixing different wine with different bottles ruins everything (Mark 2:22). Therefore, we have to be patient in the things that God has given us and trust in Him to give us what we need in our apple season the same way He did in our carrot season. There will always be seed time and harvest time just be sure not to have both hands full because you are sure to drop everything (Ecclesiastes 4:6).
Friday, March 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Making Repairs
Okay, so yesterday I cracked my guitar that I was just learning how to play on for the last few weeks and needless to say, I was kind of down about it. Now I was not playing like Jimi Hendrix or somebody like that but still, I was just getting into it and to have it gone like that was just troublesome. So in talking with a co-worker about it, feeling that all hope was lost and that I would have to save and buy another guitar he said to me, "Maybe it can still be repaired. As long as you still have the pieces there is a chance the strings can stand the strain of being fixed." He then told me that the process of fixing the guitar is binding and glueing the broken part together then if it survives that then it can be restrung and play as good as the day it was made. He says to me, "Things can be repaired."

Things can be repaired. In a simple statement, truth was spoken. Things can be repaired. Broken, hearts, friendships, families, marriages, credit, dreams, a car, and the list go on, can be repaired. What jumps out at me the most is that, as long as the two broken pieces are not damaged any further, there is hope it can be fixed. Often times, we throw away and give up on what is broken when it can be repaired. It will take work to put it back together but that is when we have to ask ourselves, is it worth going the through process of the strain to play beautiful music again? How many marriages, friendships, families can be saved if the two broken parts realize its worth the time and effort to be made one again? It all can be repaired if we give it to the One who is the Creator of all things.

Things can be repaired. In a simple statement, truth was spoken. Things can be repaired. Broken, hearts, friendships, families, marriages, credit, dreams, a car, and the list go on, can be repaired. What jumps out at me the most is that, as long as the two broken pieces are not damaged any further, there is hope it can be fixed. Often times, we throw away and give up on what is broken when it can be repaired. It will take work to put it back together but that is when we have to ask ourselves, is it worth going the through process of the strain to play beautiful music again? How many marriages, friendships, families can be saved if the two broken parts realize its worth the time and effort to be made one again? It all can be repaired if we give it to the One who is the Creator of all things.
God can mend it back together but it will take a commitment on both sides to let it happen and as we all know, going through the process of something is not easy but when it is finished, it is worth it. Besides, all the time and effort put into building something up the first time should be worth rebuilding right. And with God now in the middle of it, it is sure to last (Ecclesiastes 4: 12). So think back on relationships that have been broken and if there is still part of it that can be brought back together then go ahead. If you have a broken heart then be assured that God can and will make it whole again. If you think your dream is broken, pick up the part that is still there and God will send back the other part (2 Kings 6: 1-7) and you can start back up again. Whatever it is, it can be made whole again, just trust that God is able to put it back together again.
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