So early this week I was randomly thinking about Dragonball Z, more specifically Vegeta (yeah, real random right). Anyhow, I was thinking on how he is always fighting and training just to prove how strong he is and if anyone proved to be stronger he questioned himself and self-worth. That made me think that the reason why he struggled with that throughout the series is because he did not have a real purpose outside of himself. In reading this book, Finishing Well by Bob Buford (well I haven't gotten to the end yet), he talks about having a purpose that goes beyond yourself to having a purpose that serves other people. Check this out, if your purpose in life is just for you and your goals then it will never be good enough because someone else will come along and prove to be better than you are everytime; and once that happens, you'll constantly have to keep proving yourself because you're only living for yourself. The truth is, God has given us all a purpose, a cause that is bigger and more meaningful than ourselves and it supposed to extend to other people. When David went against Goliath his brothers got mad because he was showing them (indirectly) that he was braver than them because they were only in battle for themselves not for God or the nation that was depending on them. But David asked is there not a cause (1 Samuel 17: 29) because he knew that this battle was about something bigger than him. So we have to find out what's our cause and purpose and we have to search ourselves to see if its bigger than us; that is how we can truly count ourselves strong because God put in us a purpose that will makes us strong for us and others.